Proven Leader
With real world experience in economic development, healthcare policy, and building rural communities, Brett will be an effective champion for you in Des Moines!
Reduce the tax burden on hardworking Iowans
Help Main Street businesses, agriculture, & local industry thrive
Ensure affordable and accessible health care
Support our law enforcement and first responders
Address the illegal immigration crisis, including drug and human trafficking
Update and modernize our aging infrastructure
Empower parents in their children’s education
Prepare students for a rapidly changing job market
Improve our foster and adoption system to provide safe and loving homes for children
Meet Brett
I am running for the Iowa House because we need leaders with the vision and leadership to deliver results including growing our economy, reducing our tax burden, and ensuring strong fiscal policy. I have spent 15 years working on these issues and I will work hard to earn your support in this new journey.
My record as a leader is full of big dreams turned reality through bringing the right partners to the table and having the persistence and tenacity to see them through. These are the same qualities that I hope to use to effectively champion conservative policy in Des Moines that improves the lives of all Iowans. It’s vital that our state continues the progress being made to make rural Iowa a place that will thrive for generations to come!
I came to Iowa in 2002 to attend the University of Iowa and never looked back. After graduating with my Doctor of Pharmacy, my wife, Tracy, and I relocated to Nevada. This is where we are raising our 5 children and where we are proud to call home.
As an Eagle Scout born into a Navy family, service is at the core of who I am. After being heavily involved on campus at the University of Iowa, I quickly became active in Nevada’s volunteer community, our local church, and was sworn in to the Nevada City Council in 2010.
Having been raised in rural communities, I am passionate about making Iowa a place that our families can thrive and our children will choose to make their homes. I understand that agriculture is the bedrock of our economy and is vital to ensuring that Iowa continues to feed and fuel the world.
As a pharmacist, I have served Story and Marshall Counties for more than 15 years, including bringing pharmacy services to Zearing. I have also served on the Iowa Board of Pharmacy and as senior policy advisor for the Iowa Pharmacy Association, working to make health care more accessible for Iowans at the state and federal levels.
During my time as Mayor of Nevada, I have prioritized strengthening our community through economic and community development, Main Street revitalization, and quality of life opportunities. Nevada has experienced unprecedented job growth through small business, industry, agriculture, and renewable energy, and can be a model for Iowa communities.
I am running for Iowa House because my depth of experience in economic development, healthcare, rural revitalization, and foster care will help our state enact policies to make Iowa a place where families can thrive and the next generation will be proud to call home. I will use this experience to fight for policies that are right for you and will move Iowa forward!
Join me as we work together to:
Make our communities strong with job opportunities and quality of life for future generations
Ensure health care is accessible and affordable for all Iowans with free market solutions
Grow our workforce by attracting residents to fill available jobs
Empower parents to make decisions that are best for their children
Ensure our emergency responders and law enforcement have the support and resources necessary to keep our communities safe
Protect our private property rights and prevent eminent domain abuse for private business
Fight for life and safe, loving homes for children through foster care and adoption
Protect our 2nd amendment rights
Update and modernize our aging infrastructure
Make sure that our farmers are able to continue to innovate as they feed and fuel the world.
Help Iowans with the pinch of rising inflation through efficient use of tax dollars and the attraction of high paying jobs
Redevelop and reimagine our communities and our main streets to attract families and remote workers
It would be my honor if you would join me in our effort to ensure House District 51 continues to have strong representation in Des Moines! I humbly ask for your support and for your vote.

“I am proud to endorse Brett Barker for Iowa House District 51. Brett brings a unique blend of expertise and community leadership to the table, making him an outstanding candidate to represent the district. As a pharmacist and Mayor of Nevada, Brett has demonstrated his commitment to public service and improving the lives of those in his community. His background in healthcare equips him with valuable insights into the healthcare challenges facing rural Iowa communities, and his term as Mayor exemplifies his leadership and commitment to small town Iowa values. When elected to the Iowa House, I believe Brett will prioritize the needs of Iowans, focusing on bringing people together to find solutions to complex issues.” - US Senator Joni Ernst WATCH VIDEO
“Brett Barker is an effective leader and strong conservative who will work hard for our families, farmers, and businesses. Through his time as Mayor of Nevada and experience in the private sector, he will take his real-world experience to the Iowa Capitol to advocate for priorities important to rural Iowa. I’m proud to endorse Brett for Iowa House District 51 and look forward to seeing all that he will accomplish for Iowa.” - Congressman Randy Feenstra WATCH VIDEO
“Brett Barker is ready to hit ground day one in the Iowa House to fight for Story and Marshall Counties.” - Governor Kim Reynolds
“I was a nurse before I became a physician, so health policy and access to affordable healthcare is very important to me. Here we have a winner who knows health policy, who knows prescription drug prices, who knows how to get affordable access to healthcare. Brett is the person you want in the statehouse because he can deliver and solve the problems that we have in the healthcare industry. Please get out and vote for Brett Barker for House District 51.” - Congresswomen Mariannette Miller-Meeks, IA-01 WATCH VIDEO
“I am proud to support my friend, Brett Barker. His experiences as a pharmacist, mayor, and most importantly, a father, have prepared him to be the leader House District 51 deserves. There is too much on the line to sit on the sidelines. The prosperity of our country depends on electing Republicans up and down the ballot - get out and vote for Brett.” - Congresswoman Ashley Hinson, IA-02
“Vote for Brett “the beard” Barker as you guys are looking for your next State Representative. Not only has he been an incredible leader at the Mayor’s level, he’s been a great Iowan and he’s working hard right now for all of us. We need him in the statehouse for our tax cuts, for making sure our schools are strong, for making sure that we have a future here.” - Congressman Zach Nunn, IA-03 WATCH VIDEO
“He’s done a great job as Mayor and has gotten a lot of things accomplished for the City of Nevada. I’m really happy. Obviously, you want to leave it to someone you like and someone who is competent and able to do the job and Brett is absolutely, absolutely, competent and able to do this and I think we would be lucky to have him as a State Representative.” - Rep. Dave Deyoe WATCH VIDEO
"I've known Brett for many years. I've been very impressed with his service as mayor of Nevada. His leadership has revitalized Nevada with job growth and community development all while being fiscally responsible. That is the model for our communities across the State of Iowa and I'm excited to see his pro-growth leadership tackling the issues of the day in the legislature. Brett knows and understands Republican politics and has worked with Marshall County Republicans over the years to help us expand our wins and our bench in both counties. We need leaders that know and understand politics and winning conservative arguments of the day, all while delivering results when in charge. Brett Barker checks all the boxes with winning and results. I look forward to him representing us in the Iowa Legislature." - Marshall County Board of Supervisors Chairman, Jarret P. Heil WATCH VIDEO
“Bring on the rural renaissance in Iowa! Our great state needs more of its college graduates to stay here and become active members of society. We need more communities like Nevada, which is growing and thriving. This is why I’m looking forward to supporting Nevada Mayor Brett Barker for Iowa House." - Rep. Shannon Latham
“Brett is a dedicated, passionate conservative leader and I’m proud to support his bid to serve in the Iowa House!” - Rep. Austin Harris
“I am proud to see someone of the character and quality of Brett Barker step forward to serve the people of District 51 in the Iowa house. He is a conservative leader who has shown those leadership skills as the mayor of Nevada and the people he represents will by well served by his leadership.” - Fmr. Republican Party of Iowa Co-Chair Cody Hoefert
“These candidates have proven that they’re willing to fight for our members to own, operate, and grow their small businesses,” said Matt Everson, National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Iowa State Director. “NFIB Iowa PAC is grateful for their commitment to making our state a better place to raise a family and do business.”
“Voters in Iowa’s House District 51 have an opportunity to elect a strong, principled leader who values animal welfare this November.” - Preston Moore, Humane Society Legislative Fund - Letter to the Editor